Open Arms United with Yachting

Open Arms is doing everything in their power to save refugees in the Mediterranean but they can not do this mission alone. They need our support How can you Help?

Open Arms United with Yachting

Amount Raised:

210 remaining days
Target: €1,000,000
3 Donations

My story

Schwalgien Yacht Design and Waterproof Consulting have joined together to collaborate with Open Arms Charity Organization.

After many years of building and designing yachts both Kirsten and Richard decided it was time to find a maritime charity to support and help.  At a local Barcelona futbol game they found out about what Open Arms was and the missions they achieve.

After researching the organization and a couple meetings with some of the founding members of the Open Arms foundation Kirsten and Richard decided this was the right charity for them to support.  The principles and actions that Open Arms were doing felt holistic and real in the goals of each rescue mission.

Open arms is a non- profit, non- government organization that has one principle to save the lives of those coming to Europe by sea.  In their rescue missions they help by monitoring and aiding migrant boats that are in distress while crossing the Mediterranean. 

From each donation Open Arms has been able to save the lives of 66,000 men, women and children since they were founded in 2015.  The funds raised continue to support medical needs and lifesaving equipment that is required on board for each rescue mission.

It is now our mission to raise awareness in the yachting industry to help save the lives of the people at sea. 

All donations are appreciated in this awareness campaign.  We thank you for taking action to help the lives of many in emergencies at sea.

Life is our basic right.  We are all humans helping humans

Lisa V



2/26/25, 8:50 AM

Frank Grzeszczak


Better late than never, Happy Holidays! God bless

11/15/24, 2:50 PM



Thank you for your mission

8/30/23, 3:31 PM

Joan Viladomat

Ayudanos a salvar vidas en el mar

Amount Raised €0 of €3,000

My life is in your hands [ Mi Vida esta en tus Manos ]

Amount Raised €0 of €2,000
Adrian Granado

Open Arms Madrid

Amount Raised €0 of €1,000

Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard