25,000 have died in 10 years

I have created a series of posters to highlight the plight of refugees all around the Mediterranean Sea. The idea is that they get shared as far as possible so we can spread the word about the good work Open Arms are doing and therefore encourage funding

Frankie Malone

Amount Raised:

Target: €25,000
0 Donations

My story

I think we all have an obligation to help those less fortune than ourselves.  As an artist and a person I ask myself this question alot.  In my career I have always tried to highlight injustices and stand up for the underdog.  Hence this project for Open Arms.  I hope it can generate some income for them so they can continue to do their brilliant work.  

I started my professional career in Dublin. I worked in Temple Lane Studios for many years before starting work as a desktop publisher for Graphic Reproductions. Then I became the picture desk manager at Inpho Photography.  I left Dublin for Barcelona in 2000 and worked as a freelance photo editor, location manager and photo retoucher for various photographers over the years. I started the creative agency Studio 83 in 2019 where we provide photography and design solutions for commercial clients and we also have a big interest in The Arts. Clients such as MNAC, (Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya), Apple, La Caixa and many more. My photography has been published in La Mono Magazine, Adobe’s 99U Magazine, The Guardian, The British Journal of Photography, Metropolitan Magazine and Sparky Mag. In December 2020 my project ‘Train’ was shortlisted for the publication ‘The Crisis & the Future of Democracy’ from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. In 2021 the British Journal of Photography chose 2 images from the same project for their online exhibition ‘Edition 365’. In November 2022, Halftone Art Fair chose 2 images to exhibit at the Library Project in Dublin. 


May 19, 2023, 9:58:18 AM

This is the first poster of the campaign. The simple horrific statement that 25,000 people have perished in the Mediterranean sea in 10 years. The reality is that it is probably alot more. The circumstances are unthinkable.


Overall Fundraiser Leaderboard